Find the Foundation's activity report 2023

For the first year, the Indosuez Foundation in Europe publishes its activity report for 2023.

This report covers a pivotal year for the Indosuez Foundation in Europe. Change of General Delegate, the first since its creation in 2011; extension of the scope of action to other European countries or Indosuez Wealth Management is present; increased transparency on our actions thanks in particular to a LinkedIn page and this activity report are all changes that we wanted to share thanks to this report.

But above all, it reports on the projects supported, testimony to an ever more innovative non profit sector and ever more necessary to address the issues of social inclusion in our societies, in an agile way and in line with the needs of the field.

Good reading!

Click here to read the report 

11 junio 2024

11 junio 2024

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